Cute Halloween Party printables & ideas!

September 8, 2021

cute halloween party

When we moved to Missouri in 2018, we threw a small Halloween party with the kids’ new friends so we could get to know them and their parents.  We had so much fun that we wanted to do one every year (until Covid hit).  We are hoping to get back to the Halloween party tradition soon, but I realized I never shared pics from our 2019 Halloween party!  

I did share the cute Halloween party printables here but the printables are always better when they are shown in action!

I like Halloween but I don’t love scary – I’m definitely more of a “cute” Halloween party person!  So when I found these cute graphics from Prettygrafik Designs I knew I had to create something for our friend Halloween party!

I emailed this cute invite to our friends to invite them over to the Halloween party and some trick or treating around the neighborhood.

This cute sign was in the entryway greeting the guests.

I purchased DIY Halloween cookies from a baker and the kiddos got to decorate their own cookies.

Most of the décor was in the kitchen – because you know that’s where everyone gathers!  The banner I hung on the window and added a cute cat felt banner I found at Target (in the dollar spot of course).

The island was decked out with a fun runner and lots of yummy treats!  All decorated with the party circles and labeled with food tents.

We did a pull-apart cupcake cake in a jack o lantern shape for dessert – yeah I know we didn’t really need a dessert with all the candy!  Still, it was fun to make.

The kiddos had a great time!  Here is cool kitty Olive with her friend.  It was a fun evening – if I remember right it rained while the kids went trick or treating but they didn’t seem to mind!

All of the cute Halloween party printables are in the Etsy shop!  Ready for your Halloween party!

PS. Sign up for the Party Spot insider’s list and be the first to know about new themes, party tips, and freebies! Just for signing up HERE get access to ALL of the Freebies in the FREE Printable Library!

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