DIY Giant Lego Bricks Tutorial

July 16, 2014

Getting closer to the big Star Wars Lego Birthday party that I am helping a friend with!  This week I am sharing a tutorial on how to make these awesome Giant Lego Bricks!

DIY giant lego bricks title page

They would be perfect for any Lego themed party – it doesn’t have to be Star Wars. Switch up the colors and it could be Lego Friends (a fav in my house).

Originally I was just going to put flat circles on the top of the boxes like I had seen on Pinterest, but then my Lego loving husband suggested that the “studs” (yes that’s what they are called – we looked it up) should be raised – then boom it hit me!  So this is how I did it!

materials needed

Materials needed:

  • Empty box that looks like it could be a good Lego shape.
  • Newspaper or plain paper (enough to wrap the box).
  • Double stick tape
  • Toilet paper rolls
  • Scissors
  • Utility knife (not pictured)
  • Glue gun and glue sticks (not pictured)
  • Spray paint

Step One:  Wrap your box in newspaper.

I used double sided tape to wrap up the box so no tape was exposed on the outside of the box (tape just doesn’t look good when spray painted).

wrap box in newspaper

Step Two:  Cut your “studs” or pieces of toilet paper roll (I will call them studs for the rest of the tutorial).

On a standard toilet paper roll I marked out 6 somewhat equal sections.

Score toilet paper roll

I first scored each section with a utility knife and then cut around the roll to separate it into 6 studs.

cut rings from toilet paper roll

You will have 6 studs in fairly equal widths.  If that really bugs you – you can measure out the sections to make sure they are equal.

cut rings

Step Four:  Glue the studs to the box.

Heat up your hot glue gun – when its ready, put a line of hot glue all the way around the edge of one of the studs.

hot glue on toilet paper ring

Position the stud on top of the box.  Press the glue side down and hold until secure.

hold ring down on box to secure

Repeat with all studs needed.  For the number of studs needed for each box, I just made a judgment call on the size of the box and what looked good.  Imagine, if you shrunk it down and it wouldn’t look or work like a real Lego, then you need to make an adjustment on the number of studs.

Your Giant Lego Brick should look like this.

finished lego brick before paint

Step Five:  Spray Paint the Giant Lego Brick

Take your Giant Lego, spray paint and old cardboard or drop cloth somewhere outside and paint the Lego.  You will need to do several passes making sure you get all of the nooks and crannies around the studs.  The coverage will depend on your spray paint.  Don’t forget to spray paint the bottom once the top is dry enough to flip it over.

spray paint lego brick

And now your Giant Lego Brick is done!  Make a bunch of them!

lego bricks

A whole pile!

lego bricks stacked

For S’ Star Wars Lego Party – I painted the Giant Lego Bricks – gold, black and green (the birthday boy’s favorite color and a rebel color of course)!  These are going to look so awesome at his party in early August, which I will be sharing all the fun pictures and details here soon after!

final lego bricks all colors

I am building a jeni ro kid parties Pinterest board with all my party ideas and projects – come check it out and follow me!

jeni signature blue

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