DIY Valentines – Heart Owls!

January 27, 2020

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner!  I made these so long ago, but they are just too cute not to share again!   Have fun making these adorable Valentines!

These sweet owls are super easy to make and so cute! The kiddos can even help out!

Materials needed per owl:

  • Glue stick
  • Marking pen
  • 2 large hearts
  • 2 small hearts
  • 2 circles
  • 1 small elongated heart (not shown in pic above), but this could be optional

You can use shape punches, a craft cutter (I have a Silhouette SD which I love!) or just cut out the hearts by hand – whichever way is easiest for you!   On to how they are made!

Step One: Flip the 2 large hearts over so the bottom point is on top. Glue hearts together at a slight angle so the 2 points are showing slightly – they look like little ears.  

See the little ears sticking up at the top!  

Step Two: Grab the 2 little circles. Put glue where eyes typically are and add small circles.  

Yay! Your owl has eyes!  

Step Three: Add the beak. I forgot it in the materials picture, but an elongated heart works best for the beak, or you could draw in a heart for a beak.  

Step Four: Grab the 2 small hearts, dab on some glue and add the feet. Make sure the little hearts are turned upside down, so they look like little claws.  

Step Five: Grab your pen and add pupils to the eye circles and little marks on the wings to represent feathers. Isn’t it so cute!  

Step Six: Flip your owl over and write a Valentine’s Day message. I got the stamps at Pick your Plum (love that site) – so all I have to do is stamp the kiddos names and wahla! Cutest little Valentines.  

You can make a whole family of heart owls for Valentine’s Day! Vary the colors, sizes, texture of the hearts – the possibilities are endless! You can even try making other animals with the hearts! So fun!

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