Gifts Given: picnic and mermaid blankets!

March 12, 2015

Wanted to share a few blankets that we gifted over the past month!

uw picnic blanket

This first gift I have had planned forever – and I finally got it done in time for my friend’s birthday!  Yes another one of the picnic blankets!!  I really do love these. My friend is a huge UW Husky fan, so I save all of the purple, gold and gray prints from an awesome fat eighth bundle.  It turned out awesome!

uw picnic blanket both sides

Of course I made a matching bag to store the blanket in.

uw blanket with bag

For O’s bestie’s 6th birthday we found her a mermaid Barbie as a gift, and I love doing a themed gift. So when I found THIS tutorial I knew it would be perfect. Miss O had to model for me (sorry about the bad pictures), but I am told that the birthday girl loved it.

mermaid blanket 2

And of course I will be making Miss O her own mermaid blanket soon!

mermaid blanket

It is pretty darn cute!

jeni signature blue

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