I think Monster Trucks will always be a favorite party theme for little boys. My son’s Monster Truck birthday party was awesome! And even all these years later the printable game is one of my best sellers.
Here is a look at the printables available in the shop and more ideas to inspire your kiddo’s Monster Truck birthday!
The printable invite.
Personalized welcome sign.
For the backdrop behind the food, I used a piece of fabric and monster trucks in tires. The birthday banner was put over the cake.
Personalized water bottle labels to dress up the drinks.
Personalized party circles turned into toppers dressed up the food, and food tents help identify the food choices.
Favors are always my favorite part! I made drawstring bags out of monster truck fabric and filled them with goodies. I also found a great price on 1:24 metal monster trucks so each of the kids got one of those as well. Each was tied up with personalized favor tags matching all of the printables.
The birthday boy was sporting his monster truck shirt I made for him.
My favorite project and activity were the monster truck races! I created “monster trucks” out of cardboard boxes. The races were so much fun!
For even more details about this party go here! For all of the party printables and the pin the tire on the monster truck game go here!
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