My 1st Nursery design – Miss O’s baby room

July 2, 2013

I am currently starting to help a friends’ sister on her nursery and I wanted to post the details of my very first design – My daughter’s baby room!

As I started this journey into crafty mommyhood – I discovered that I absolutely LOVE designing and putting together baby and kids rooms.  I love that you can be a little fun and whimsical with a kids room.  For my first baby – I knew I wanted to go with a monkey theme regardless of the gender of the baby – so when we found out she was a girl – pink monkeys it was!!

reading monkey

For this room, I wanted it simple but fun.  I found the bedding set online, curtains at Land of Nod and had my very talented sister help me with the painting.  She painted the most adorable monkeys ever!  This room was completed back in 2009 and has since been transformed into her little brothers room and I have expanded my design to custom bedding, etc.  More to come on that with Mr V’s room – but here is Miss O’s baby room!  I have fond memories of this room and adore looking at the pictures!

reading corner and crib

Reading corner and crib

changing table and barbie house Changing corner and doll house (my Dad built the dollhouse for me and my sisters when we were kids – Love!)

reading corner Different view of reading corner and bookshelves.

crib Crib corner

mirror monkey Monkey peeking from behind the mirror

house monkey Another cute monkey playing on the ribbon

olive monkey Her name above her crib, with a monkey dancing!

A lot of pink, a bit of bright green and 4 adorable monkeys dancing around her room – it was a perfect little girl’s nursery for my Miss O.  Please check back for her big girl room where she is currently residing – it is adorable too!


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