Wow! The past few weeks have been inspiring, heartbreaking, crazy and hard! As a white woman, I have been trying to listen and learn from the amazing black women of the world. I KNOW that I come from a place of priviledge and I am learning things that I didn’t know about the history of…
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Donuts! I love Donuts! And this Donut birthday set is super fun! I was asked to create a Donut birthday invite for a client and delivered this cute Two Sweet version. Printable games are my favorite – so I had to create a version for the Donut theme! I know this set is heavy on…
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I have a little more than a month until Miss O’s big 5th birthday party and I am in full party planning mode – working on her party as well as helping my friend with her son’s 5th birthday party! All the fun projects are coming soon to the blog, but first lets look back…
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