Don’t know what a printable banner is? Check out this post to learn all about them! Okay now that you know what they are – how do you put it all together? It’s easy peasy and I have a video that walks you through it! But first here is some inspiration! So grab your printable…
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What even are Printable banners? You know that fun piece of décor that announces there is a birthday in the house! Printable banners are the same thing – you just print them yourself! jeni ro designs printable banners are unique in that they are the perfect theme for your kiddo (because they picked it) and…
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Designing with a specific person or kid in mind is my absolute favorite! With friends and family celebrating birthdays and graduations during this pandemic – I have been offering my services to help make their day special! My nephew turned 5! The kid is obsessed with American Ninja Warrior! So I designed him a ninja…
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