One of the benefits of purchasing a printable digital holiday card is that you can email it as well as printing and mailing it! Here is a quick tutorial on how to do it! Step 1: Open/Compose a new message. Like normal, easy peasy. Step 2: Click the ” Insert pictures inline” or “insert photo”…
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It’s that time of the year! The holiday season is upon us and it’s time to start thinking about custom Holiday cards! I love getting actual holiday cards in the mail but in this day just reaching out even electronically is nice – and printable custom holiday cards can do just that! You can print…
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I know I know – Really? Christmas and the Holidays already? Well if you are a planner like me you like to start early – so for all you planners out there – in case you didn’t know – we have printable holiday cards!! Find them here! I have been creating printable holiday cards for…
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Have you thought about holiday cards yet? Well you are in luck – I have brand new designs in the shop for you to check out! Every year we get family pictures taken in September – and I use these picture for our holiday card. I generally design a few and let my family choose…
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I know – Ugh – its too early to be thinking about Christmas! But is it? I am a planner so I like to start planning early and hopefully be done with most of the major shopping and holiday tasks by early December. That includes Christmas cards! We always do a family photo shoot in…
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