Remember Mrs. Squirrel? It’s okay if you don’t – she was my June stuffie of the month last year. You can check here out HERE! Well, this year she had babies!
Ok, she didn’t really have babies – I made them for her! hehe The friend I made the original Mrs. Squirrel for, really wanted squirrels for each of her kiddos, thus babies!
This green guy is for big brother (yes he requested green). I really wanted to put little alien antenna on him when I was making him, but I refrained!
I love that he chose a green squirrel!
For the twins, their Mommy picked gray and I added the cute little hearts on the sides so they can remember whose is whose. I just had to match their noses to their pink or purple heart!
So here are Mrs. Squirrel’s babies! Now the family is complete!
Oh and I had to make my little squirrel one too – pink of course!