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My baby sister’s birthday was at the beginning of September.  For her last few birthdays I have for some reason been making her things for her trailer.  Probably because her birthday is around our big Labor Day camping trip!  But when I found THIS tutorial from Flamingo Toes for a camper embroidery hoop art I…

Giftie for my baby sis

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birthday gifts

October 1, 2014

Miss O’s preschool bestie turned 5 back in February.  She adores Strawberry Shortcake and I had found a cute Strawberry Shortcake panel at the fabric store that I wanted to make into a quilt for her birthday.  Well I ran into a few snags since I was trying my hand at free motion quilting and…

Strawberry Shortcake Quilt for O’s bestie

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birthday gifts

August 14, 2014

I feel like I have been slacking a bit on the homemade gifts lately – okay I don’t just feel like it – I have!!  But you know some things take time – which I don’t have a lot of extra of!  Well I finally got my 1st little sister’s (I have 2 little sisters)…

My favorite birthday gift to make for grown up girls

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birthday gifts

June 13, 2014

My sister says my love language is GIFTS, and yeah I agree with her!  I love giving gifts (I love getting gifts too) but I really love it when someone loves what I gave them….ok that was a lot of love!  But you get my drift.  Since my whole business started due to the compliments…

My love language is Gifts! Handmade I gifted in Jan/Feb

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birthday gifts

February 28, 2014

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