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Fall Kids Clothes Week was last week – and while I didn’t get to all of the projects that I wanted to, I did manage to get a few things done for both kids! I have been wanting to upcycle a few of my husband’s shirts into shirts for the little man.  I used the…

Fall Kids Clothes Week & some Halloween sewing

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crochet, kids clothes

October 28, 2014

My baby boy turns 3 TODAY!!!  Wow!  We are having a Monster Truck birthday party for him this weekend but I wanted to share the outfit I made him for his big party day! I found the awesome monster truck knit fabric from a seller on Etsy.  I wanted to make something cozy but a…

Mr V’s Monster Truck 3rd birthday outfit

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jeni ro designs, kids clothes

September 18, 2014

My little girl is a Kindergartener!  I can’t really believe it!  This morning she got on the big yellow bus for her first day.  Granted its only half day and I will greet her off the bus in a few hours, but still its a big deal!  She wore her new purple flower dress that…

Miss O’s 1st day of Kindergarten!

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kids clothes

September 4, 2014

Oh we had so much fun at Miss O’s 5th Birthday Princess Ball last weekend!  I promise I am going to share ALL of the details (in 3 posts) but first I wanted to share Miss O wearing her Anna Coronation Birthday Dress!  The girl is gorgeous!  All of the details about how I made the…

Miss O looking gorgeous in her birthday dress!

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kids clothes

August 18, 2014

Since I was working on the Lego Star Wars birthday party – read all about it HERE!  And my Miss O was going to be attending the party – I just had to make her a cute outfit to wear to the party!  So while I was making the birthday boy his X-Wing Fighter shirt,…

My Little Pink Rebel

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kids clothes

August 13, 2014

When I asked Miss O what princess dress she wanted to wear at her 5th Birthday party – she immediately said Anna’s Coronation dress from Frozen.  I thought, okay this is going to be a challenge but I was up for it! Originally I was thinking about using The Cottage Mama’s Party dress pattern and adding…

O’s 5th Birthday Dress – Anna Coronation Dress

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kids clothes

August 8, 2014

I burned the after midnight oil this last weekend and finished up Miss O’s summer wardrobe. Thankfully the weather was amazing so we were able to get pictures of everything! O is becoming quite the little model! Here is a recap picture of everything!  All together I made: 5 all knit dresses (including 3 skater…

O’s Summer Wardrobe is Complete!

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kids clothes

June 24, 2014

Just in time for the first day of Summer tomorrow, I feel like I have made a major dent in my plans for O’s summer wardrobe.  I outlined my plans in THIS post and showed off the first finished piece, the Anywhere Dress from Go-To Patterns. I did end up buying Kitschy Coo’s Skater Dress pattern…

O’s Summer Wardrobe is growing!

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kids clothes

June 20, 2014

My big goals list for 2014 included making more clothes for my kids.  With summer coming up soon (really only 3 more weeks of school?) I am trying to get organized and start working on summer clothes for Miss O! Of course my stack of fabric is giant and my plans are lofty – but…

Mommy made Summer Clothes – The Plans

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kids clothes

May 21, 2014

Yay! Finally getting pics of Mr. V at Disneyland all dressed up!  So I ended up making V 5 pairs of pants for Disneyland – you can see the original posts HERE and HERE.  But he only ended up wearing 3 on vacation.  I didn’t think it would be as HOT as it was in…

Our little thrill seeker all dressed up!

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Disney vacation, kids clothes

May 14, 2014

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