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Miss O’s 2nd Birthday Party!

June 4, 2014

Miss O was all about animals and especially cats as she grew from that little baby into a toddler!  So the theme for her 2nd birthday party just had to be of course Kitties!!

O 2nd bday invite

I created the invitation with a kitty head shape cut out with my Silhouette SD.  This was my pre-Photoshop Elements days, so I think I did the text in word and lined it up so it would print/cut right.  I added the cute bow with glitter accents – a la Hello Kitty.


Here is the sweet birthday girl herself in the outfit Mommy made for her big 2nd birthday.  I actually took an existing long sleeve Birthday Girl shirt that I embellished with a kitty,  cut off the sleeves to make it short sleeve and added a ruffle at the bottom.  The skirt was an existing skirt that I added a fabric rose to.  It wasn’t perfect as I really didn’t know what I was doing with the knit shirt, but it worked and she looked adorable!


I also made kitty ears for everyone at the party.  Here is my Dad – aka Papa – with his kitty ears on.  Papa Kitty!  To make the ears, I drew up a kitty ear shape and cut them out of fleece.  I sewed up a bunch of ears and then glued them to headbands.  Almost everyone at the party actually wore them, it was fun!


The biggest challenge I took on for the party were these Kitty cake pops!  I found the idea on Bakerella with full instructions on how to do it.  This picture shows the best of the them, but wow they were hard to make! So frustrating, I just could not get the dipping part right!  But everyone loved them including the birthday girl!

o 2nd bday family

I didn’t get any good pictures of the goody bags – but I did make cute little coloring books for each kid.  I printed off kitty coloring pages and ribbon bound them into a little book.  You can kind of see the goody bags in the corner of this picture. I put the “goodies” in a paper bag and tied it up with a kitty shaped name tag for each kid.


I also made kitty hair clips for the girls.  They turned out really cute!


The hair clips looked really cute on Miss O!

Since we had her party at our community beach park, I didn’t have a lot of places to put decorations. But I did make a fabric pennant banner that I hung on the fence. The pennant banner still hangs in her room now.

Oh and I forgot to mention, I was 8 months pregnant with my son when she turned 2 in August!  It really was a fun party and very fun to plan, I think this might have been the party that gave me the initial bite of the party planning bug. It really is fun! So now only 2-1/2 months to O’s next big birthday party! If you missed her 1st birthday party you can check it out HERE.  And check back for her 3rd birthday bash and a recap of her 4th, before the big 5th birthday shindig in August! Still so much to do but I kind of love it!

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