2014 is already off to a fabulous start for jeni ro designs with my guest post at Shannon Fabrics – if you haven’t seen the cutest lion pillow ever,
go check it out here!
I am really looking forward to so many things this year, but even though we are a few weeks into 2014, I wanted to recap 2013 and show my top 10 favorites!
I am actually impressed with myself! I posted 45 times, shared 4 tutorials and 4 Free printables. May not sound like much in 365 days but for my first year getting my business rolling and being a mom first, that’s pretty darn good! This little blog got 4,309 page views and 2,676 visits over the course of the year, kind of cool!
So without further ado, here are my top 10 favorite posts of 2013 (titles are links to each post):
#10: My First Craft Shows Best Seller
I ventured into the world of craft shows in 2013 – completing a total of 2! I can’t say that I sold out, but I sold some and I did learn a lot!! I think I am willing to give it another try in 2014!
#9: Gift Given: Kids’ Handprint Calendar
This is my MOST repined pin on Pinterest and the #2 most viewed page (behind the home page) on my blog. This was a labor of love and everyone who received the calendar adored it – I was so sad to take it down as we rolled into 2014. I just might have to do what my Grandma does with special calendars like this — tape on some new calendar pages and use it for another year!
#8: It’s a world class Menagerie
Oh how I love making stuffed animals! I feel like my skill is growing in the softie making category and I really want to grow more and put a big focus on it! 2013 is also when I started my Abby Glassenberg love affair – I reviewed her latest book HERE! She is an amazing stuffed animal designer as well as a gracious teacher and mentor to crafters like me who are dreaming of being a stuffed animal designer someday! If you ever wanted to learn how to sew stuffed animals – get her book!
#7: Heart Owl Valentine tutorial
This was my first tutorial ever! I was so proud of myself and man those owls are still the cutest! Perfect for this year too – Valentine’s Day is just around the corner!
#6: Meet the jeni ro Spokesbaby
My good friend had her baby girl in April 2013 and not only was I excited about the new baby – I was also thrilled that there was a tiny baby in my life now that could be my spokesbaby! I had been struggling with the best way to photograph my blankets for the shop, so once Miss E was ready to model I was all for it! Having a sweet little one wrapped up in my blankets make them look as snuggly in the picture as they are in real life (seriously they are amazingly snuggly)! Oh and here she is again later in 2013, getting so big!! {Shameless Plug – There are still crazy, amazing, snuggly blankets in my shop!)
#5: My Little Pony Fabric Match game
2013 was the year of My Little Pony for Miss O – and I have to admit I got sucked into it too! Inspired by another “famous” blogger The Cottage Mama and her fabric match game tutorial – I just had to make a pony version for O for her 4th birthday! I also discovered that printable cotton is really cool!
#4: Cars Favor bags
My little Mr. V was just as much into CARS as his sister was into ponies this year. So for his individual birthday playdate, I had to break out the Lightning Race Car (that’s how V says his name)! I love my little girl purses for gifts and especially favor bags so I figured why not turn it into a car bag! So I did! I will definitely be posting a tutorial on this one this year! I promise!
#3: Miss O’s 4th Birthday – My Little Pony Playdate
Oh My Goodness, this party was sooooo much fun to plan! I had my heart set on having a joint birthday party for my kids at the science center in 2013 and had worked all year on designing my own printables, outfits, etc. so that definitely happened. But when O’s birthday was getting closer, I started having Mommy guilt big time that I wasn’t throwing her a girly pony party since she was in love with the ponies. One night this little party (I called it a playdate) popped into my head! With a smaller guest count (only 4 little friends) I could do more! I made each girl a pony inspired dress and got them awesome goodie bags, as well as designed placemats and décor printables too. It was a good time!
#2: Kids Clothes Week – Final pictures!
I am really proud of this one for a few reasons. 1 – It was the first time I had really sewn full outfits for both of my kids in the same week and I really challenged myself with V’s shirt. 2 – The photo shoot was fun and I got amazing pictures! and 3 – I actually blogged every day that week (ok maybe 4 out of 5 but that ain’t bad!) Participating in Kid’s Clothes Week made me realize I do like making clothes for my kids and that I really want to do more! Next KCW is Jan 27th – I have big plans, lets hope I get at least some of them done! Stay tuned!
#1: 6 things I love about My new studio
This really is my favorite post and probably my most favorite thing about 2013! I got my own studio space! I had a corner of the basement before, but I was busting out of it with all my stuff. A few conversation with Mr. Ro and we came up with this plan – moving my business to the back half of the basement and creating a “studio”! Its not totally private since there is no door I can shut, but when I am in here I feel like its all mine. I just want to create! Huge hugs and thanks to my fabulous husband for being so supportive and giving me the opportunity (and space) to figure out my dream!
As I looked back on 2013, I really do love ALL of the projects and feel pretty proud of my accomplishments. So looking forward to an amazing 2014 for jeni ro designs!! Thank you all for joining me!